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Church Leadership & Teams

Our church Session, Deacons, and various committees provide governance, guidance, and support for our church and community. We would love to have you help serve in this capacity! Contact the church office at for more information.


The Session is our local governing body and is made up of elected representatives of the congregation (called “elders”).  The Session oversees the day-to-day operations of the church and supervises the staff, finances, and ministry of FPC.

Board of Deacons

The ministry of the Deacons as set forth in the Scriptures (Matthew 20:28) is “Not to be served, but to serve” with compassion, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. There are 12 Deacons, with four elected each year for a three-year term. It is their duty to minister to the many needs of the members of First Presbyterian Church of Mankato and our community at large

Budget Committee

Prepares various budget and financial reports, oversees the activities of the church accountant, and makes recommendations regarding policies and procedures for conducting the fiscal affairs of the church.

Community Engagement Team

Funds allocated to Community Engagement support the church's efforts to advance the Church’s mission to be Rooted in Community, Growing in Faith.  The Team will do this by striving to build community within the congregation while also engaging in the wider community by sharing our Church’s commitment to be a positive, inclusive presence where individuals’ faith can grow and thrive.

Endowment Committee

Administers the memorial and endowment funds, prepares a plan for the long-term use of endowment income, and acquaints church members with the fund to encourage gifts and bequests.

Faith Formation Committee

Promotes, assists and encourages faith formation in the church children and youth organizations, works closely with the Director of Outreach & Faith Formation, oversees youth and intergenerational programming.

Personnel Committee

Recommends position descriptions for all staff, reviews compensation packages and the employee handbook, encourages professional staff growth and development, and provides support to all staff members.

Properties Committee

Manages the care and use of the church building, grounds, infrastructure, and office equipment. This team works closely with the Director of Building and Grounds.

Stewardship & Nominating Committee

Works to develop and promote a stewardship program, giving every member of the congregation the opportunity to participate in the giving of their time, talent and treasure.

Worship Committee

Makes recommendations regarding services of worship, supervises and coordinates church music, and works with the Pastor with requests for baptism, weddings and funerals. This team also works closely with the music staff.

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